The Update to the Highway Code from 29th January 2022

“If it is safe to do so you SHOULD give way – it does NOT say you MUST give way – use common sense.”

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Interpreting the changes to the Code –  Left Turn

  • as we approach we see a pedestrian walking towards our intended turn
  • we assessed that we would be interacting if we both continued
    • new highway code bit
  • we therefore gradually slowed(controlling the traffic behind), obviously giving way to the pedestrian, very nearly stopping and continuing our journey after he had crossed

good early observation, anticipation and planning

progressive slowing being very aware of the following vehicles

Previously we as drivers would have assumed the model that the pedestrian would see us, Give way to us and we would be able to proceed with caution(unless of course they continued into the road space)

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As From 29th January 2022:-

    • the changes come into effect
    • remember, if it is safe to do so you SHOULD give way – it does NOT say you MUST give way – use common sense.
    • to view the official changes to the Highway Code, Click Here
    • this is a good summary picture, Click Here
    • this is a good summary article on how it will be assessed on your driving test, Click Here
      • “On a driving or riding test, failure to give way to someone who is clearly waiting to cross the road but is standing safely on the pavement would normally be assessed as a driving or riding fault.”
      • “We won’t be changing the assessment level of a serious or dangerous fault with the introduction of this new rule. If the learner driver or riders’ actions place a person crossing at risk, for example if they fail to give way to someone who is actually in the road, a serious fault would normally be recorded. But the actions of the person walking and other road users nearby will have a bearing on how our examiner assesses the action.”
    • here is some public reaction to the changes, Click Here
    • If it is safe to do so you SHOULD give way – it does NOT say you MUST give way – use common sense.